Mortar Mix Type S

Shaw Resources Mortar Mix Type S is a blend of masonry cement, portland cement, and mortar sand, requiring only water to prepare. This product meets or exceeds the requirements of CSA A179.
Download the Shaw Resources Mortar Mix Type S product data sheet here.
Each 25 kg bag yields approximately 0.012 m3 (or 0.42 ft3) and will lay up to 10 concrete masonry blocks or 28 standard clay brick.
Applicable Standards:
CSA A179: Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry
ASTM C270: Standard Specifications for Mortar Unit Masonry
ASTM C387: Specifications for Packaged, Dry, Combined Materials for Mortar and Concrete
ASTM C1714: Specifications for Pre-blended Dry Mortar Mix for Unit Masonry
This product is ideal for use in masonry applications at or below grade. It can be used for masonry foundations, retaining walls, brick patios, and brick pavements.
25kg bags, 1,400 kg bulk bags. Silo dispensing systems and custom mortar mix is available upon request.